My story, entry #1

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Hello world!  Newbie, here. Full disclosure, I am only so so at writing and I know shit about technology, but I feel strongly about what this whole site is all about so here I am!  Be gentle with me, I come in peace.  

I have hesitated to start this blog for many years, and for many reasons. You see, I am not really sure where to begin, plus it is a pretty vulnerable thing to put one’s thoughts down in a place others will see.  I’ve never been one to shy away from a challenge, though. I just need the right tools before I commit.  My husband is a beautiful writer.  You know the kind.  The one who writes an effortless novel in a birthday card which, after it’s read, gets passed around the room to a crowd anticipating greatness, all eager to be transmitted to another place. Yuck.  What’s more, he never disappoints.  I’m totally not jealous.  Anyway, I digress.  My husband, the writer who doesn’t write, told me once,  “The best way to get over a fear of writing is to just write!”  So, here goes.

I’ve put a lot of thought into how I want to structure this blog.  I’ve read some wonderful blogs that are like a daily journal of events happening, for the most part, in real time.  Other blogs are structured a bit like a “how to” for do-it-yourselfers wanting a challenge (guilty), or to just save a buck (also guilty).  Some just tell a story, made up or ‘based on real events’ that happened in the past.  Since I am an indecisive depressive, I figure I will take a stab at a few of these options.  For sure, though, I will not be giving lectures on “how to” anything, and I will not be giving advice.  I am a self-proclaimed non-expert in just about everything.  I even screwed up making a glass of water once!  So, I’ll start with a story.  I would say this story is completely true, but I didn’t write down the events at the time so some parts may get lost to memory.  I promise to do my best keeping it real.

As I mentioned earlier, I am a ‘depressive’. The term, ‘depressive’, is not my own and I think it can mean many things for many people. I heard this word first from an author of a book I am currently reading (listening to, really) called, Undoing Depression, by Richard O’Connor, PhD. (By the way, if you are interested, you can listen to this book for free right now on Spotify. The person they chose to read it, I forget his name but will find out, has an amazing, soothing voice. Highly recommend). I don’t like labels, but I liked this term well enough it stuck.  But, that’s just me.  You can call it what you want, or not call it anything.  The word, depressive, is basically meant to describe a person who struggles with depression.  I have played with the dark beast, off and on, since adolescence.  It is something I know well and is what motivated me to create this blog.

Story to come. I have to go to a dinner thing with my “not-a-writer” husband.. Stay tuned. =)

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